

1866 Cathay Williams (1842 - 1892), a Buffalo Soldier, was the first documented female to serve (enlisted as a male, Williams Cathay) in the U.S. Army in 1866. She became the first and the only known female Buffalo Soldier.

1979 Brigadier General Hazel Winifred Johnson-Brown (1927 - 2011), an army officer, nurse, and educator was the first female General in the U.S. Army when she was promoted in 1979.

1998 Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne ( b Marcy 25, 1949), a Navy Officer, was the first to become a Rear Admiral in the United States, an appointment made by President Bill Clinton on February 01, 1998.

2014 Michelle J. Howard (April 30, 1960), a naval admiral, was the first to become a four-star admiral in 2014

Cathay Williams

Michelle J. Howard