African - American First Ladies of Distinction


"We cannot accurately comprehend either our hidden potential or full range of problems that besiege us until we know the successful struggles that generations of Foremothers waged against virtually insurmountable obstacles." - Darlene Clark Hines

Cathay Williams

Cathay Williams (1842 – 1892), a Buffalo soldier, was the first documented female to serve (enlisted as a male, Williams Cathay) in the U.S. Army in 1866. She became the first and the only known female Buffalo Soldier.

Brigadier General Hazel Winifred Johnson-Brown

Brigadier General Hazel Winifred Johnson-Brown (1927- 2011), an army officer, nurse, and educator was the first female General in the U.S. Army when she was promoted in 1979.

Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne

Admiral Lillian E. Fishburne ( b Marcy 25, 1949-), a Navy Officer, was the first to become a Rear Admiral in the United States, an appointment made by President Bill Clinton on February 01, 1998.

Michelle J. Howard

Michelle J. Howard (April 30, 1960), a naval admiral, was the first to become a four-star admiral in 2014.